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Cholesterol Levels and their affects

Cholesterol is present in the blood and it’s just like a flexible substance. It supports the body for creating cells, hormones and vitamin D. The main nature of cholesterol is to dissolve in the blood at very small concentrations. Cholesterol uses the lipoproteins as the carriers for moving between the cells. Lipoprotein structure contains fats inside and proteins on the outer side. Liver mainly creates this cholesterol by using the fats in your diets.  The level of cholesterol in your body is a vital sign of your overall health. Mainly cholesterol plays a different role in heart disease, which involves coronary heart illness, stroke and peripheral vascular illness. High cholesterol has also discovered to have a connection to high blood pressure and diabetes. To stop the onset of these situations, it is significant fully understood what cholesterol is and how it affects your body as well as how you can effectively observe your levels to recognize the beginning of a problem.

Cholesterol is a substance that transported in your blood by carriers known as lipoproteins. There are two types of cholesterol that lipoprotein carries, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Cholesterol is a substance that transported in your blood by carriers known as lipoproteins. There are two types of cholesterol that lipoprotein carries, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The cholesterol is differentiated into two types based on the lipoproteins level.

Bad Cholesterol (LDL):

Cholesterol is referred as Bad cholesterol because it has the Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL).  The bad cholesterol is the one of the main reasons for the blood vessel blockage in the heart. If the level of bad cholesterol is high in the blood it may restrict the blood circulation in the arteries. As a result, one may suffer a sudden heart attack problem. This cholesterol is considered as “bad” because it contains Low density lipoproteins (LDL), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and triglycerides which are the main component of the bad cholesterol. If you have high numbers of these that they can clog your arteries, so causing a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases. The normal level of LDL cholesterol is 200mg/dL or less.  If your level of LDL cholesterol is high, talk to your doctor and about a healthy lifestyle changes to decrease your level of cholesterol.

Good Cholesterol (HDL):

Cholesterol is mentioned into Good cholesterol because it has the High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL). This type of cholesterol main works is to restrict the formation of LDL in the blood vessels. HDL cholesterol is responsible for sending all the LDL cholesterol to the parts of Liver. The liver eliminates all the LDL cholesterol in the body. Therefore, it can be considered that HDL boosts the blood circulation in your body and avoids the heart related problem. This cholesterol is measured as “good” as it helps reduce bad cholesterol from the bloodstreams. The cholesterol test is mainly a measure of lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are classified by their density means the measure of fat vs protein in the combination. High density means that there is a high protein ratio as compared to fat. HDL does necessary work given to cholesterol; they help to un-clog your bloodstreams and help flush extra fat from your body. The HDL healthy level may as well prevent strokes and heart attack. However, HDL low levels have been shown on potentially increase your risk of heart disease.

Both HDL and LDL cholesterol levels differ from person to person. Factors that affect cholesterol levels like obesity, a diet with excess saturated fat and cholesterol, insufficient exercise, heredity and certain health conditions or medicines.

Level of cholesterol

The level of cholesterol is measured in the bases of milligrams (mg) per tenth-liter (dL) of blood. We shortly mention it as mg/dL. It is a known fact that bad cholesterol levels cannot be entirely removed from human body and good cholesterol cannot be increased to 100 percent however a 100 mg/dL level of bad cholesterol and 35 mg/dL of HDL is good enough to live a healthy life.  If the HDL level is more above the 35 mg/dL it will help in protecting the heart from various diseases.

Regular intake of healthy natural foods (Vegetables and fruits) helps to increase the level of HDL cholesterol and reducing the level of LDL cholesterol. Avoiding junk foods, fast food diet system supports to reduce the formation of bad cholesterol in the body.

Cholesterol is a fat like chemical made in the liver and found in some foods are high in saturated fats like eggs, milk, cream, yogurt, coconut and palm oils and meat. Our body wants some kind of cholesterol to function the body properly. But excessive amount of cholesterol may raise someone’s risk of heart disease. Here are a number of factors that supply to high cholesterol – some are uncontrollable whereas some are controllable.

Risk Factors of Uncontrollable High Cholesterol level-

Age:  Folk as he/she getting older, men aged 45 or older and in women aged 55 or older are the higher chances of high cholesterol risk and heart diseases.

Gender: As above mention, men are likely to get high cholesterol in their younger age than women. After menopause women have LDL cholesterol levels (bad level) raised significantly. The reason is that after menopause hormones change frequently. As a result risk of heart disease can be higher.

Family History: Family history is one of the reasons for high cholesterol. If father or brother has experienced heart disease before age 55, or mother or sister also had suffered heart disease before age 65. So it is essential for person who has genetically history of high cholesterol to check regularly.

Controllable Risk factor for High Cholesterol –

Diet: saturated fat and cholesterol are the two nutrients in foods that you eat may raise blood cholesterol level. Saturated fats are those fats originate from animals and cholesterol get from products of animal.

Weight: obesity tends to improve blood cholesterol levels which are major risk factor nowadays. Losing weight can help you lower the cholesterol level.

Exercise: regular exercise or physical activity helps to lower the LDL cholesterol level and increase HDL cholesterol level

Stress: It is major factor to increase blood cholesterol levels. Manage your stress or depression by following some stress management techniques such as yoga, tai chi etc.

Maintaining Appropriate Cholesterol levels in the body:

Maintaining healthy cholesterol can be very difficult for some people, particularly those with a genetic propensity for high blood cholesterol levels. The 100 % natural treatment in Cholesterol Support, combined with diet plans and physical exercise, can help you to maintain appropriate, normal cholesterol.


Those affected by cholesterol levels problems should know that your unhealthy food can be bad effect for high-cholesterol level in the body. Hence, before indulging any kind of foods, it is necessary to identify your foods and how it affects you. Here we have explained few foods details that help in maintain your cholesterol level under control.

  • EGG: As per a recent study it was witnessed that the eggs which people bought just 7 days before had 14 percent less calorie than those which were there from decades ago. The most of cholesterol level in a person’s whole body should not exceed more than 300mg and if you eat 2 eggs each day then you is likely to be within this limit and there are very few possibilities of the cholesterol level being increased in number.
  • Banana chili: Regular consumption of banana chilies helps to increase the health of your heart by reducing the bad cholesterol level & improve good cholesterol level over bad.
  • Avocados: Avocados are low-crab food, they maintain a healthy high and low blood pressure which is a solution for many problems, one of them being cholesterol level.
  • NUTS: Nuts are very good for lower cholesterol level. However, avoid salted varieties, especially if you have raised blood pressure.
  • The above healthy diet tips can help you decreasing bad cholesterol level and improving good cholesterol level physically.

If lifestyle changes alone are not enough to sustain normal cholesterol levels, there medicines that your health expert can prescribe to help. However, it is significant to remember that these medicines are most effective when used in conjunction with, rather than instead of, a healthy diet plan and lifestyle.

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